Last Monday, Egyptians celebrated the first anniversary of the revolution that overthrew the 30-year Mubarak regime. By contrast, America’s reaction this historic event was tellingly muted. Egypt contains a quarter of the Arab world’s people.  In Egypt, the US had a golden opportunity to encourage  genuine democracy. Instead, it long […]

The sinking of the giant Italian-American cruise liner “Costa Concordia” is among the most amazing and bizarre events in modern nautical history. Having long, long ago been harbor master of Montego Freeport, Jamaica, and operations director of a line of West Indies freighters, I watched this Italian drama with professional […]

Washington – The United States and Iran are playing an increasingly dangerous game of chicken in the Gulf.  War could be only a ship collision or aircraft intrusion away. Nations often blunder into war due to miscalculation, arrogance, or wrong intelligence. One need only recall August, 1914, when joyous throngs […]