19 January 2024 The first time I went to remote Yemen, this wild, mountainous nation was just creeping into the 7th Century AD. That was 45 years ago. There was only one hotel in the capital, Sanaa, and it was booked up with European businessmen trying to sell junk to […]
November 10, 2023 Paris – The great Voltaire wrote ‘show me whom you cannot criticize, and I will show you who rules you.’ So true. Anyone who dares criticize Israel’s Biblical punishment of Palestinians in the Gaza outdoor prison is immediately subject to a storm of calumny and threats. No […]
October 26, 2023 US President Joe Biden has declared himself a `war president.’ He has ordered two US aircraft carriers, advanced missile systems and 2,000 Marines to the Mideast. It’s full-force war fever in Washington. Does this seem like overkill considering Hamas has not much more than lightly armed teenagers […]