March 7, 2020 After 19 years of war, over $1 trillion in spending, 2,400 dead and a torrent of lies, the US may now be facing an end to its longest war. The US invaded Afghanistan in 2001. There were three reasons: 1. to cover up the humiliation of the […]

February 29, 2020 President Donald Trump’s 36-hour whirlwind visit to India this past week was designed to show Americans just how adored abroad their president really is. Unluckily for Trump, his campaign stop at this behemoth nation of 1.3 or 1.4 billion proved a fiasco. First came the terrifying Chinese […]

February 22, 2020 Good work, Democrats! In the Las Vegas debate, you blasted every target but Donald Trump. Instead of quivering in his Gucci loafers, the man who would be king was left dancing on air. The man who should have been king, newcomer Mike Bloomberg, was left looking like […]