August 19, 2022 They used to call it `the million-man swim.’ That was the US Navy’s sneering dismissal of any Chinese attempt to seize the island of Taiwan by a massive amphibious invasion. The US Navy’s strike carriers, submarines and surface combatants, backed by the Marines and Army in Japan, […]

20 June 2022 I’ve seen many coups in my decades as a journalist and connoisseur of exotic, turbulent places. The most exciting coup occurred in Paris under President Charles de Gaulle as I waited at Place de la Concorde with heavily armed paramilitary police as we prepared for an attack […]

February 20, 2022 World War III? Or a bad, expensive joke? Russia has declared a nuclear test alert. The Ukraine crisis is beginning to become very scary. When the old Soviet Union broke up, I and other moderates called for the former Moscow-dominated states of East Europe to become neutral. […]