March 17, 2012 News of the massacre by an American soldier of 16 Afghan civilians, mostly women and children, made me reflect on the 14 wars and colonial conflicts I’ve covered. Horrible but not surprising. It illustrates what I call the Iron Laws of Colonial Warfare: *Pick a good pretext […]

Eric S. Margolis 9 March 2012 NEW YORK – Israel’s American supporters are crying
 out for war against Iran. The entire Republican Party 
– with the exception of the intrepid Dr. Ron Paul – is
 consumed by war fever bordering on the hysterical. Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney,
 whose foreign […]

Eric S. Margolis 2 March 2012 “Oh Lord Shiva, protect us from the fang of the cobra, the claw of the tiger, and the vengeance of the Afghan” old Hindu prayer NEW YORK – Shock, incomprehension, fury. Americans are feeling these raw emotions as news keeps coming in of more […]