5 April 2010 – published in Huffington Post on April 8, 2010. Chechen suicide bombers hit Moscow’s subway last week, killing 39 and injuring over 70. Chechen suicide bombers in Dagestan killed twelve, mostly policemen. There were further attacks in the region. The North Caucasus was again at a boil. […]

April 15, 2013 Korea, wrote the famed German expert on geopolitics Baron Haushofer a century ago, was one of the world’s five most strategic areas. So it remains today, as China, Russia, Japan and the United States vie for influence on the peninsula and the waters around it. The latest […]

March 23, 2013 Realizing they will never be a world power, the Cypriots have decided to settle for being a world nuisance. ~ George Mikes, Hungarian writer Cyprus is a big pain in the neck for one and all. Its banks are bust due to reckless lending to Greece. The […]