4 Oct 2015    Frankfurt, Germany –Could anyone in the Obama administration have been so slow-witted to imagine that Russia wouldn’t move hard to counter US efforts to overthrow Moscow’s  ally, Syria?     The Syrian war began almost five years ago by the US, France, Britain and Saudi Arabia  to overthrow […]

18 SEPT 2015   The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!”  So echoed the cry this week from the Pentagon, the US media and  Republican candidates for president.  How silly.  It seems the Russians have sent six tanks to Syria, some medium artillery and a bunch of military technicians […]

May 9, 2015   It was churlish for western leaders to boycott this week’s Victory Parade in Moscow that commemorated the Soviet Union’s defeat of Nazi Germany 70 years ago. Historic events are facts that should not be manipulated according to the latest political fashions.  Being angry at Moscow for […]