July 20, 2013 Here we go again, another round of Mideast peace talk kabuki. A process in which Washington, Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization hold intense talks over holding talks, a ritual as stylized as the traditional Japanese dance. In the end, it’s the same empty, cynical ritual, year […]

September 30, 2012 NEW YORK –  Hell week! That’s what this city’s angry, frustrated taxi drivers call each year’s opening of the United Nations.  It was even worse than that in the last two weeks. Narrow, congested island of Manhattan became a nightmare of gridlocked traffic, blocked streets, blaring horns […]

September 25, 2012 The killing of the US ambassador to Libya and angry demonstrations across the Muslim world over a tacky anti-Islamic hate video have produced the usual flood of wrong-headed commentary from our media and politicians. Across the land comes the familiar cry, “why do they hate us?”  That […]