November 17, 2012 NEW YORK –  The US has lost one war and is fast losing a second, yet what really upsets Americans seems to be a juicy sexual scandal; beautiful female general groupies;   US brass in  Tampa, Florida,  living like potentates; the FBI investigating CIA; and the fall of […]

September 7, 2012 Elephants are one of nature’s supremely beautiful and most majestic creations. Africa’s elephants are rapidly being slaughtered to extinction because of Asia’s lust for ivory. We should remember Gandhi’s maxim, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals […]

August 31, 2012 Watching the storm-battered Republican convention at Tampa, Florida, does not reinforce faith in democracy or the Grand Old Party (GOP). American political conventions traditionally mix back-room horse trading with tasteless hoopla in which mostly white, overweight, middle-aged delegates wear funny outfits and make fools of themselves. Once […]