August 29, 2010 Will there be a major war between China and India? That’s the 64,000 rupee question addressed by the highly respected British magazine “The Economist” in a major article in their 21 August issue. The “Economist” warns that the long contested border between the two giant Asian rivals […]

2 August 2010 WASHINGTON – The release over the internet of 92,000 US military field reports from Afghanistan by WikiLeaks has sent official Washington into an uproar. The leak story dominates the talk of this town and has pushed chatter about the steady weakening of the Obama presidency into the […]

July 12, 2010 Goodbye fire-breathing Gen. Stanley McChrystal, and your Special Forces “mafia,” who were supposed to crush Afghan resistance to western occupation. McChrystal was fired after rude remarks he and his staff made about the White House were printed in the American magazine, “Rolling Stone.” President Barack Obama should […]