27 Oct 2011 Wasted $1 trillion in the futile Iraq war? Being defeated by medieval Afghan tribesmen? Can’t pay your bills at home or abroad? Government paralyzed? Worried about China? What’s the answer? Simple. A new little war in Africa. Having finished off former ally Muammar Gadaffi, the US Pentagon, […]

October 1, 2010 NEW YORK – Pakistan’s temporary closure of the main US/NATO supply route from Karachi to Torkham after the killing of three Pakistani soldiers by US helicopter gunships has provoked deep anger in the United States government. The burning of a US/NATO fuel supply convoy further intensified tensions. […]

3 September 2010 NEW YORK – Last week, President Barack Obama told Americans his nation’s seven-year US occupation of Iraq was over. America is leaving Iraq. But it is also staying. Obama looked grim, uncomfortable and out of character as he delivered this confusing message. He even praised former President […]