8 August 2015    All war is a crime.  There is no such thing as a “good war.”  As the great Benjamin Franklin said, “there is no good war; and no bad peace.” We are now in the midst of the annual debate over the atomic bombing of Japan by the […]

May 16, 2015                                                                                             Happiness is having your very own Submarine-launched ballistic missile.                                                                                                  This week, North Korea’s dynastic leader, Kim Jong-un, was beaming from ear to ear as a Pukgeukseong-1 missile shot out of the water, apparently launched by a new “Sinpo” class […]

            March 7, 2015 NEW YORK – During World War II, the very drunk American humorist Robert Benchley, decked out in a tux and top hat,  came staggering out of the tony Sherry-Netherlands Hotel.   A US Navy admiral in full uniform was waiting for […]