July 6, 2019 President Donald Trump’s attempt to sell the Brooklyn Bridge to the Palestinians – using Gulf Arab oil money – has so far been a resounding failure, as was widely predicted. The so-called ‘Deal of the Century’ turned out to be a shabby swindle. I watched Trump’s son-in-law, […]

March 30, 2019 Not since the witchcraft hysteria of the Middle Ages have we seen such a display of human idiocy, credulity and absurdist behavior. I refer, of course, to the two-year witch hunt directed against President Donald Trump which hopefully just concluded last week – provided that the Hillaryites, […]

March 8, 2019 “Tell me who you cannot criticize and I will tell you who is your master”. (Attributed to Voltaire). Saying anything negative about Israel has long been the third rail of US politics and media. Israel is our nation’s most sacred cow. Any questioning of its behavior brings […]