January 25, 2013 PARIS – The bloody attack on an Algerian gas installation and France’s invasion of Mali are the result of troubles that have been brewing for years – we simply have not been paying attention. Jihadist guerilla leader Mokhtar Belmokhtar, headlined as a new Great Islamic Satan by […]

September 30, 2012 NEW YORK –  Hell week! That’s what this city’s angry, frustrated taxi drivers call each year’s opening of the United Nations.  It was even worse than that in the last two weeks. Narrow, congested island of Manhattan became a nightmare of gridlocked traffic, blocked streets, blaring horns […]

August 24, 2012 It says much when the long-time rulers of two of Africa’s largest, most important nations, Egypt’s Husni Mubarak and Ethiopia’s Meles Zenawi, had to fly to Europe for critical medical treatment because their own nations lacked facilities and specialists. Meles’ untimely death at 57 last week in […]