The City of Light is always an edgy, nervous place. One moment it’s romantic and charming, the next, a scene of rioting and urban mayhem. The city’s back alleys and sinister inner suburbs (“banlieu”) almost always seem on the verge of violent eruptions. I just managed to slip into the […]

October 1, 2010 NEW YORK – Pakistan’s temporary closure of the main US/NATO supply route from Karachi to Torkham after the killing of three Pakistani soldiers by US helicopter gunships has provoked deep anger in the United States government. The burning of a US/NATO fuel supply convoy further intensified tensions. […]

August 29, 2010 Will there be a major war between China and India? That’s the 64,000 rupee question addressed by the highly respected British magazine “The Economist” in a major article in their 21 August issue. The “Economist” warns that the long contested border between the two giant Asian rivals […]