In 1956, Britain, France and Israel colluded to invade Egypt to overthrow its hugely popular nationalist leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser. Israel provoked border clashes and quickly captured the Sinai Peninsula. The British and French landed at Suez. US President Dwight Eisenhower deemed the tripartite Suez aggression immoral and damaging to […]

One day, the king of ancient Babylon summoned his treasury overseer and exclaimed, “I need more money to wage war on those Hittite terrorists! “I looked in the great treasure chest and it’s nearly empty. There are hardly any gold coins left,” he thundered. “Oh Light of the Euphrates,” groveled […]

As widely predicted, American voters, angry and frightened by their nation’s serious economic problems and persistent unemployment, took it out on the Democrats. Republicans scored a big win in last week’s US mid-term elections, taking control of the House of Representatives and leaving Democrats seriously weakened in the Senate. Right […]