China’s growing challenge US domination of the North Pacific became ever more evident last week as the People’s Republic revealed a new, long-ranged, radar-evading stealth aircraft, the J-20. The J-20 is likely five years from deployment. Its radar-evading ability is unknown, and probably no match for the operational US F-22 […]

A political earthquake seems about to rock Sudan and send tremors across Africa. A referendum is scheduled to occur in a little over a week – on 9 January 2011 – in which southern Sudan’s eight million inhabitants may vote to separate from the 34 million citizens of northern Sudan […]

Eric S. Margolis 17 December 2010 Truth is always war’s first victim. After nine years of war in Afghanistan, costing over $100 billion in taxpayer money, Americans still don’t know the full truth about this murky conflict. They deserve the facts. Instead, more lying and obfuscation from Washington. Three reports […]