Growing up the son of an iron-fisted dictator would be tough for anyone – especially when your dad was the fearsome “Papa Doc.” I met Haiti’s President for Life, Dr. Francois Duvalier – better known as “Papa Doc” – at his palace in Port-au-Prince during the 1960’s. At his side […]

Oops! Something has gone terribly wrong with Washington’s plans for regime change in the Mideast. Wasn’t there supposed to be a US and British engineered revolution against Iran’s mullahs, followed by installation of a cooperative pro-western government and a bonanza for western oil companies? The revolution came, all right, but […]

When China’s president, Hu Jintao, visits Washington this week, discussions will inevitably focus on money rather than grand strategy. Washington keeps pressing Beijing to raise the value of its controlled currency, the Yuan. The Chinese have so far refused more than minor increases totaling about 6%, insisting a low Yuan […]