27 Oct 2011 Wasted $1 trillion in the futile Iraq war? Being defeated by medieval Afghan tribesmen? Can’t pay your bills at home or abroad? Government paralyzed? Worried about China? What’s the answer? Simple. A new little war in Africa. Having finished off former ally Muammar Gadaffi, the US Pentagon, […]

October 15, 2011 NEW YORK – This great city is physically in America but it’s hardly part of the United States. New York is cosmopolitan, educated, outward-looking and liberal – unlike much of the rest of inward-looking America, which considers the Big Apple a den of moral and political depravity […]

October 8, 2011 NEW YORK – Operation Enduring Freedom – the dreadfully misnamed ten-year US occupation of Afghanistan – has turned into Operation Enduring Misery. The renowned military strategist, Maj. Gen. J.F.C Fuller, defined war’s true objective as achieving desired political results, not killing enemies. But this is just what […]