August 4, 2012 WASHINGTON – I was visiting Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States when the phone on his desk rang. “The hot line,” he said. “Sorry I have to take this call.” As he listened, his face grew darker and darker. Finally, he banged down the phone and exploded: […]

July, 7, 2012 The ghost of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat is rising from his grave to haunt Israel and the Americans. A devastating investigation by Qatar’s al-Jazeera has found mounting evidence that Arafat’s death in 2004 was caused by the poisonous radioactive substance Polonium 210. Arafat’s widow, Suha, is now […]

June 15, 2012 NEW YORK – America’s most vital national security concern is to maintain calm, productive relations with Russia. The reason is obvious: Russia and the United States have thousands of nuclear warheads targeted on each other. Many are ready to launch in minutes. Compared to this threat, all […]