16 March 2013 NEW YORK – This month marks the 10th anniversary of the Iraq War. In October, 2002, I wrote a cover-story about Iraq for the first issue of American Conservative Magazine, entitled “The March to Folly.” My article predicted the impending invasion of Iraq would be a disaster […]

December 21, 2012 Marking the 50th anniversary of the end of the frightful Algerian Independence War,  French President Francois Hollande did the right thing last Thursday by recognizing the “suffering” France had inflicted on its former colony. It was not the outright apology that many Algerians had demanded, but it […]

December 10, 2012 – Japan’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor 71 years ago this month was a “day that will live in infamy” according to US President Franklin Roosevelt. Seven decades later,  it increasingly appears that the president’s surprise and outrage may have been synthetic.   Roosevelt had been maneuvering for […]