July 6, 2024 Not since Samson brought down the temple has there been such a disaster as this week’s British election. In American terms it was a perfect case of ‘throw the bums out.’ Good show. Healthy democracies need to be purged and renovated. Britain’s Tories (Conservatives) were in power […]

July 5, 2021 Time was when Britain’s mighty fleets ruled a quarter of the earth’s surface. I’ve been savoring the names of its dreadnaughts and battle cruisers like George V, Prince of Wales, Hood, Princess Royal, Iron Duke and scores of other renowned warships. Last week, the imperial British lion […]

Eric S. Margolis 27 July 2019 Britain’s new prime minister, Boris Johnson, is being called by many ‘the British Trump.’ It’s an easy comparison, given their quirky, confrontational styles, prominent blond hair, tribal politics and xenophobic policies. But they are not alike. Johnson is a literate, witty product of Britain’s […]