April 28, 2018 France likes to call itself America’s oldest and closest ally.  Indeed, the American Revolution might never have succeeded without strong French military support.  However, France bankrupted itself supporting the American Revolution.  This, in turn, helped ignite the French Revolution that cost poor King Louis XVI his head.    […]

March 29, 2018 There was something refreshing about watching former French president Nicolas Sarkozy being interrogated in a French jail.   Particularly since he may soon be accused of conspiracy in the murder of my old friend, Col. Muammar Khadaffi of Libya. Sarkozy and his former chief of staff, Claude Guéant, […]

July 15, 2017 As a former soldier and war correspondent, I abhor demonstrations of flag-waving, militarism and nationalism. That great American, Benjamin Franklin, put it perfectly: ‘no good war, no bad peace.’ But I must admit that my heart does beat faster when I hear the rousing strains of France’s […]