June 13, 2015 METZ,  FRANCE –  The dramatic seaborne rescue of 328,000 Allied troops from Dunkirk in June, 1940 is well known.  But the tragic effort of almost 300,000 French troops to  break out of encirclement in eastern France  along the Maginot Line is almost totally unknown. On 10 May, […]

April 25, 2015   It’s good and right that we commemorate the mass killing in the Ottoman Empire during World War I of between 500,000 and 1.5 million Armenians.    Many nations now call the slaughter of 1915-1916 as “genocide.” This week the 100th anniversary of the notorious event was […]

17 JANUARY 2015 My father, Henry Margolis, was a Broadway producer, industrialist, gourmet and man about town. Instead of wasting time taking me to play ball in the park, we would go each Saturday to an interesting new restaurant. One afternoon, we went to lunch at a just-opened place on […]