19 May 2012 The last time Greece faced a crisis of this magnitude was in 490 BC when the armies and fleets of the Persian Empire were converging on Athens. The great Athenian leader Themistocles rallied his countrymen and defeated the Persians. Alas, this time Greece has no Themistocles to […]

December 16, 2011 British Prime Minister David Cameron’s recent veto of a stronger European monetary union should not have surprised anyone familiar with British history. Cameron, cheered on by the powerful anti-Europe wing of his Conservative Party, thwarted intense efforts to create a super-European fiscal authority to prevent the unraveling […]

21 June 2010 SEVASTOPOL, UKRAINE –Glory, tragedy, disaster. An army of ghosts haunt this great naval base that commands the Crimea and surrounding Black Sea. It is the site of two of history’s greatest sieges. This majestic city still has much of the strategic importance it did over a century […]