2 December 2011 CAIRO – Standing at Tahrir Square, ground zero of Egypt’s revolution, is exciting and intimidating. The explosive anger, pent-up frustrations, and yearning for revenge of tens of thousands of demonstrators and onlookers breaks like waves across this vast, unsightly plaza. This is the raw material of all […]

Ferbuary 14, 2012 “The king is dead!,” as the French say, “long live the king!” Will this be the case in Egypt, where one monarch, the ousted Husni Mubarak, will be replaced by another general or military junta led by Field Marshall Mohammed Tantawi? So far, this is what Egyptians […]

26 April 2010 Just as Iceland’s volcanic disruption abates, another dangerous, disruptive explosion is building up. This time, it’s a political one in Egypt, that could rock the entire Mideast.  Tensions there are already extremely high with an intensifying threat of wars involving the US, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Iran. […]