April 25, 2015   It’s good and right that we commemorate the mass killing in the Ottoman Empire during World War I of between 500,000 and 1.5 million Armenians.    Many nations now call the slaughter of 1915-1916 as “genocide.” This week the 100th anniversary of the notorious event was […]

December 6, 2014 I’ve covered 14 wars and seen a lot of combat. But being shelled or shot at never scared me half as much as the fear of serious illness in the field. While reporting on the 1980’s war in Afghanistan with the mujahidin warriors (“freedom fighters” back then/today […]

3 Oct 2014 Hong Kong is at a gentle boil. As of this writing, tens of thousands of students have been politely demonstrating, calling for the Beijing-appointed chief executive, C.Y. Leung, to resign and be replaced through free elections. Politics don’t often divert Hong Kong’s manic obsession with business and […]