November 19, 2011 I’ve a lovely little painting in my study of Germany’s first emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm I. It was painted soon after the 1870-71 Franco-Prussian War and the creation of a united Germany with Wilhelm as its monarch – thanks to the great German statesman, Prince Bismarck. United Germany’s […]

October 1, 2010 NEW YORK – Pakistan’s temporary closure of the main US/NATO supply route from Karachi to Torkham after the killing of three Pakistani soldiers by US helicopter gunships has provoked deep anger in the United States government. The burning of a US/NATO fuel supply convoy further intensified tensions. […]

September 20, 2010 The world’s longest-running international conflict – Kashmir – has burst once more into flames. At least 69 Muslim Kashmiris protesting Indian rule have been shot down in the street by Indian paramilitary police in recent weeks. Scores more have been wounded as unrest spreads across the Himalayan […]