June 9, 2012 NEW YORK – US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says the major portion of US naval power will shift to the Pacific by 2020 as part of the Pentagon’s new “pivot to Asia” strategy. Though not totally unexpected, this news has caused quite a stir across Asia and […]

April 21, 2012 “India launches first intercontinental ballistic missile,” the world media misreported this week. True enough, India did launch a new, 5,000 km-ranged Agni-V missile that can deliver a nuclear warhead to Beijing and Shanghai. Previously, India’s 3,500-km Agni-III did not have the range to hit China’s major coastal […]

19 December 2011 The death last weekend of North Korea’s `Dear Leader’ Kim Jong-il presents many dangers, but also some hopes for lower tensions on the strategic peninsula. Kim’s death was not unexpected. He had been seriously ill with diabetes and cardiac problems that led to a stroke in 2008. […]