10 December 2016 Seven decades after Japan’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor some truth is finally beginning to emerge from the miasma of propaganda that still clouds our vision of World War II. It seems clear by now that President Franklin Roosevelt’s White House knew from deciphered codes that Japan […]

3 December 2016 President-elect Donald Trump vows to either tear up or rewrite the recent international nuclear deal with Iran, calling it ‘disastrous,’ and ‘the worst deal ever negotiated by Washington.’ Iran, which has closed important nuclear facilities, shut down half its centrifuges, and neutralized its stores of nuclear material […]

December 17, 2006 MIAMI – Here in the world’s second largest Cuban city, the fiercely anti-Castro Cuban exile community is straining its collective ears to catch the last dying gasps of their islands hated `Maximo leader,’ Fidel Castro. The death this week of Chile’s former dictator, Gen. Augosto Pinochet, leaves […]