March 29, 2018 There was something refreshing about watching former French president Nicolas Sarkozy being interrogated in a French jail.   Particularly since he may soon be accused of conspiracy in the murder of my old friend, Col. Muammar Khadaffi of Libya. Sarkozy and his former chief of staff, Claude Guéant, […]

March 17, 2018 What damned cheek to murder a Russian defector and his daughter in the sleepy town of Salisbury!  Britain, the US, Germany and Canada are all blasting Russia for this dastardly act that was apparently committed using a new nerve agent allegedly made in Russia known to the […]

March 10, 2018   Will China’s paramount leader Xi Jinping disprove Lord Acton’s famous maxim that all power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely?  Are we entering an era where many of the world’s great nations are ruled by strongmen, despots or modern monarchs?  Look at America’s would-be king, Donald Trump; […]