February 2, 2024 As we rightly remember the Auschwitz death camp and the rest of the Jewish Holocaust, let’s take a moment to recall the greatest mass killer of prisoners during World War II, the by now forgotten Soviet Major General Vasily Blokhin. Blokhin claimed to have personally executed tens […]

19 January 2024 The first time I went to remote Yemen, this wild, mountainous nation was just creeping into the 7th Century AD. That was 45 years ago. There was only one hotel in the capital, Sanaa, and it was booked up with European businessmen trying to sell junk to […]

New York, NY. – December 16, 2023 The massacre in Gaza of Palestinian civilians – half of them women and children – has brought growing worldwide condemnation of Israel and a surge in anti-Jewish anger. However, the co-author of this historic crime is not only Israel’s far right government and […]