September 21, 2019 The Mideast has its own variety of crazy humor. The Saudis have been blasting and bombing wretched Yemen, one of this world’s poorest nations, since 2015. These US-supported attacks and a naval blockade of Yemen imposed by Saudi Arabia and its sidekick ally, the United Arab Emirates, […]

September 14, 2019 A large number of Americans still don’t believe the official version of the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington. I am one of them. The government and tame media version – that crazed Muslims directed by Osama bin Laden attacked New York’s twin towers and the […]

September 7, 2019 According to the great military thinker, Maj. Gen. J.F.C. Fuller, ‘the object of war is not victory. It is to achieve political goals.’ Too bad President Donald Trump does not read books. He has started economic wars against China, Russia, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela without any clear […]