July 14, 2018 President Donald Trump says most summit meetings are a waste of time.  He’s so right.  Most meetings of every kind are a waste of time and energy.  The president was certainly right about last week’s NATO summit in Brussels.  At least, he livened it up by openly […]

July 6, 2018 `We are the schmucks’ thundered President Donald Trump.   The object of Trump’s wrath at his ‘Make America Great Again’ rally in Great Falls, Montana was the craven, stingy European members of NATO, only 16 of 22 members are on budget for their US-commanded military spending.  Trump wants […]

June 30, 2018   Few phobias run deeper in Europe than the fear and hatred of Turks.  For at least six hundred years, Europe was locked in innumerable wars with first Seljuk, then Ottoman Turks.  My big St Bernard is a descendant of dogs bred to attack Arab and Turkish […]